

Alberto Martinez Mallo
Designer Metalista, metalisteroo dedicated to the manufacture of furniture and accessories for decoration and lighting. Use of recycled materials of vehicles and machinery out of use. Craftsman registered in the Board of Castile and León since 05/05/2015 Certificate of Quality Spanish Craftsman since 02/23/2018
Alberto Martínez Mallo, born on July 20, 1960, designs and creates using those materials that many see as unusable.With vocational love towards the car and mechanics in general, he refuses to see the discarded vehicles disappear as simple scrap, it is because This is why it is decided to create furniture and decorative objects that can be useful and reusable in their daily use, giving them a new and long life, and although inanimate, they have filled much of their career and their profession.
Always starting from parts and objects of vehicles as well as machinery out of use, and combines different parts and materials to achieve unique works. In the manufacturing process, only the imagination and creativity of the Designer are involved.
Welcome to the "Rolls Royce" collection

We all have the ability to create

Part of your Designs

Diversity of Designs, all of them unique or personalized, marking the difference between classic, retro or minimalist. Always through artisan processes with large doses of creativity, carefully cared for in order to obtain an Artistic end.

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